Correct care for your oiled parquet

Tips to help you enjoy your oxidatively oiled floor for a long time

Our current care instructions

With the right care, you can preserve the natural beauty of your ADLER parquet floor for many years to come. We are absolutely sure of that!

We have summarized all the care tips and instructions for you in the adjacent PDF brochure. You can also find the information below.

You'll see: caring for oxidatively oiled parquet is really very easy!

To ensure that you can enjoy your oxidative oiled floor for many decades to come, there are a few things you should bear in mind:

In the first five to seven days after installation, you should only vacuum and sweep the oiled parquet, but not wet-mop it. The floor still needs some time and oxygen to fully harden and develop its final robustness.

After about a week, you can wet mop for the first time. From then on, regular wet cleaning with WOCA Wood Floor Soap can be carried out approximately every one to two weeks.

Do no use cloths or mops made of microfibre. You floor would become rough and susceptible to dirt. Cloths made of natural fibres such as cotton or wool felt are suitable cloths for your wooden flooring.

Always use WOCA wood floor soap for wet care (white or natural) in the mopping water. Do not wipe over with clear water after this, as this would remove the protective soya and coconut fats again. For oak in particular, we recommend using WOCA Oil Refresher Soap in the wiping water after a cycle of 4-6 wipes with Wood Floor Soap. The oil refresher contains more oil and therefore cares for your Adler parquet even more intensively.

Remove standing water on your new floor immediately as this could cause spots because of the mineral content in the water. Over time the oil in the wood pores will harden increasingly and allow the surface to become more durable and dirt resistant.

Please note that a finish treatment is recommended after installation for use in highly used areas like commercial use.

Once a year you should regenerate heavily worn areas on your parquet flooring approximately. It is time for this kind of regeneration at the latest when you realise that your floor has lost its sheen and has begun to look grey.

Regular cleaning – how to proceed:

In addition to sweeping and vacuuming, you should regularly wet-mop your oxidatively oiled ADLER PARKETT with WOCA wood floor soap in your mopping waterapproximately every one to two weeks. If you work with white wood floor soap then shake the soap mixture thoroughly before use. Add just a little WOCA wood floor soap to lukewarm to warm water (dose: 1/16 litre of WOCA wood floor soap to 5 litres of warm water = 1:80 parts) and foam the soap solution with water. Then wipe your floor quite moistly in the direction of the fibres to wash the dirt out of the wood pores. At the same time you are nourishing your wooden floor with caring oils and fats.

With hardwoods like black cherry, maple or walnut mop quite damp but not wet. Open-pored woods like oak and coniferous woods can withstand a wetter mopping technique.

Oak tends to emit its Tannin in the first few weeks after installation. This makes the water in your bucket very dark. We recommend that you clean your oiled Oak parquet with 2 buckets in the first few months. In one bucket you have the warm water with some WOCA soap and in the second bucket you have clean warm water. In this clean water you wash your mop before you take some soapy water again for the cleaning cycle.

Please note that the soap mixture should not be darker than your floor surface as otherwise there is a risk that you will apply the dirt back onto your floor.

We also recommend wiping your ADLER Parquet with WOCA Refresher every 4 to 6 times instead of WOCA Soap. This will do some good for your floor

Easy removal of stains

In everyday life, your Adler parquet can be subject to heavy wear and tear, both from everyday soiling and from heavier stains such as red wine, coffee, oil and soot. Sometimes, however, discolouration sets in that cannot be easily removed despite standard cleaning methods, such as alkaline reactions caused by metal contact or moisture, especially in oak and similar woods with a high tannin content.

When removing stains from pigmented woods, be careful as even gentle cleaning methods can damage the colour. It is advisable to test on an inconspicuous area beforehand.

Try to treat minor stains that have not been removed by damp mopping with a few drops of concentrated soap suds. You can prepare this soap suds yourself (mixing ratio 1:10 with water), or you can use the WOCA wood floor soap spray. Apply the soapy water directly to the stain and leave it to work for five minutes. Then wash out the concentrated lye again by wiping over a large area with normal soapy water. You are welcome to repeat the process several times.

For larger and more stubborn stains, or if you have had no success with repeated applications of the soapy water, please use the special WOCA stain remover. Spray the stain remover directly onto the stain to be removed - the fresher it is, the more effective the stain remover will be. After a reaction time of approx. 10 to 20 minutes, the stain should have disappeared and the natural colour of the wood will reappear. Please use a green pad at most and only very carefully so as not to be too abrasive on the wooden floor. A final treatment with maintenance oil is then advisable.

Dark discolouration is usually caused by tannic acid or alkaline reactions due to contact between the parquet flooring and metal objects (Christmas tree stands, flower pots, chair legs), zinc sheets, household chemicals or pet excrement. This is where stain removal reaches its limits. Please use the WOCA tannic acid stain remover spray. Spray the product evenly onto the stain and leave it to work for approx. 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the intensity of the stain. Then wipe away the dissolved stain particles with a cloth and gently rub dry. Repeat this process until the wood has returned to its original colour. A final treatment with maintenance oil is then advisable.

This tannic acid stain remover spray has the effect of reducing the fuming treatment on smoked surfaces. This results in a brightening effect.

Regeneration of heavily used surfaces

Depending on the wear on your parquet you should treat it to a wellness cure approximately once a year. It is the right time for a bit of extra care with WOCA care oil at the latest when your parquet seems to be matt and dry. The process is the same as for the finish treatment. Regular wet care with WOCA Oil Refresher, as described above, can delay this somewhat.

To regenerate your parquet floor, first clean and degrease the floor thoroughly with WOCA Intensive Cleaner (dosage 1:20 parts water) and wipe with clear water until the water is no longer dirty. Then leave the floor to dry for 24 hours.

Now you can work in the WOCA Maintenance Oil, or even better the WOCA Master Oil. To do this, proceed as for the finish treatment from step 2 described below

Finish treatment and re-oiling – this is how it works

On more heavily used floors, for example in a commercial environment, we recommend a so-called finish treatment immediately after the parquet has been installed.

If you would like to carry out a finish treatment then it should be in normal room climate conditions. A relative humidity between 40 – 60% and a room temperature between 18 – 22°C are ideal conditions to achieve optimum hardening of the oil within the given time. It is best to carry out the finish treatment in the evening so that the oil can harden overnight.

Step 1:
First remove dust from the floor. Use a broom or a vacuum cleaner.

Step 2:
The finish treatment or re-oiling for the regeneration of your parquet floor is carried out with WOCA Maintenance Oil, or even better with WOCA Master Oil. If you are using white or coloured oil then please shake it thoroughly so that the colour pigments can mix well with the oil.

Soak a clean cloth in WOCA oil and allow the oil to enter the floor. To do this, apply the oil in a thin layer in the direction of the floorboards. Please ensure that no oil film remains on the floorboard. Now work the oil into the floor using a rotary disc machine / buffer machine and a white cotton pad.

After a short drying period polish the floor again with a cotton pad in order to achieve an even surface and soak up any excess oil. Please remove the single disc machine / buffer machine immediately from your freshly oiled floor surface. This will prevent excess oil from drying under the heavy machine.

The freshly re-oiled floor surface should be allowed to rest for at least 10 hours without walking on it. After ten hours you can walk on the parquet again and use the room as normal.

Avoid wet mopping in the next five to seven days so that the oil can harden fully.

Caution: To prevent spontaneous ignition, please wash all oil-soaked pads thoroughly with water after use and allow them to dry separately. Close all WOCA products carefully after use to prevent hardening in the container.

Technical equipment for the maintenance of oiled floors

Before using a mopping robot on your Adler parquet floor, we strongly recommend that you contact the manufacturer of the robot to ensure that it is approved for use with our recommended WOCA care products and is capable of damper mopping. Ideally, please always clean the parquet floor with the robot mop using a natural fibre mop and avoid using steam cleaners.